Bottom trawling is one of the most damaging practices that humans inflict on our ocean.

Destroying seabed ecosystems, overfishing and indiscriminately killing everything from turtles and rays to sharks. And, it has an enormous climate impact too; dragging nets along the seabed uses more fuel and produces four times more emissions than other types of fishing.

Bottom trawling is rife in the most vulnerable places: Marine Protected Areas (MPAs),established to protect ocean diversity, are no longer refuges where fish can reproduce and recover. Even worse, trawling happens more intensely in MPAs than in non-protected areas across Europe.

We call on Governments to end this destructive practice, starting with an immediate ban in Marine Protected Areas and inshore zones.

We must protect our Ocean so it can protect us.

This petition is run by Patagonia & We Move.
All images are courtesy of Patagonia.

Oceans absorb a quarter of all the carbon dioxide that we produce, every second breath we take comes from the ocean. Yet, the practice of bottom trawling threatens to destroy this precious resource.
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Ban bottom trawling

Ban bottom trawling

Sign the petition to pressure the European governments to end the bulldozing of our ocean floor, which is undermining small-scale fisheries, and deepening the climate crisis.

Campaign supporters

Together, we can make a difference

  • Surfers Against Sewage
  • Patagonia
  • Seas at Risk
  • Oceana Europe
  • Environmental Justice Foundation
  • Bloom
  • Blue Ventures
  • Rewilding Order Delta
  • Client Earth