What if nature had human rights?What if nature had human rights?

What if nature had human rights?

Around the world, and in almost all non-indigenous systems of law, nature and ecosystems are treated as property.

Our life-giving rivers, forests, and mountains are treated as property to be sold and consumed, often protected under commerce laws. In our legal systems, because nature is property, it is invisible to courts. Beyond the legal frameworks, this nonrecognition of the inherent rights of nature has dangerously contributed to distancing us culturally and personally from our living planet.

Meanwhile, for indigenous cultures, recognising rights of nature is consistent with their traditions of living in harmony with nature. All life, including human life, are deeply connected. Decisions and values are based on what is good for the whole.

In order to ensure a sustainable future, we must break out of the human-centered system we have been used to in the so-called “civilized” world, in favor of a system that recognises rights to our ecosystems – including trees, oceans, animals, mountains – as human beings have rights.

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