Discover the Spirit of the ForestDiscover the Spirit of the Forest

Discover the Spirit of the Forest

Explore Romania’s Făgăraș Mountains, home to some of Europe’s oldest and wildest forests.

For centuries, these forests have been a sanctuary for spectacular wildlife and mountain villagers. Help conserve this precious ecosystem by adopting one of its ancient beech trees.

The "Forest of Immortal Stories" project was born from the desire to protect some of Europe's oldest and most spectacular beech trees. It serves as the blueprint for the creation of the wider Făgăraș Mountains National Park, nicknamed the ‘Yellowstone of Europe’. Across the meadows of Nucșoara are 2,544 centuries-old beech trees awaiting to be adopted, so they can remain standing and protecting this ecosystem.

Protect a tree and let it tell your story, protecting the rich history of the past and our oxygen source of the present.

Discover the Spirit of the ForestDiscover the Spirit of the Forest
In a world where stories may be lost, these centuries-old beech trees have embarked on a mission to keep them alive for future generations.
Christoph Promberger, Foundation Conservation CarpathiaAdopt a tree

The Gallery

Raising awareness

Protect a beech tree

Protect a beech tree

Protect Nucșoara’s unique ecosystem by letting an ancient beech tree tell your story for centuries to come.

Campaign supporters

Together, we can make a difference

  • Foundation Carpathia
  • Jack Wolfskin